Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Pharaohs doing some good for all.

Just wanted to up date the blog and show what we have been up to. Thursday the day of thanksgiving we headed out to Switch's food share gathering.  We showed up this over 350 items. Thanks to the kids at Casa Pacifica for their efforts in collecting these cans.
We also dropped off some cans at the Deadbeats cruise for a cause food drive. Here are the photos from both events.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Book signing for Tony Baker

This past Saturday Tony Baker the author of Hot Rodding in Ventura County book has a book signing at the Bank of Books in downtown Ventura.  He had invited some of the original members from our Pharaohs Oxnard and the Motor Monarchs from Ventura. Was a small turn out but really enjoyed taking to these men that were doing what we love to do now, building cars. Our good friend Matt Showed up with his 52 styline custom. Here are some photos from the car gathering.

Pharaohs October cruise night...

This last Friday was out monthly cruise night. One of the smaller ones we have had in a long time. I know summer is over and the weather is getting chilly but here in southern California it's always nice. We do our cruise night year round so the only time we don't cruise is when it rains. This time around we decided since the crowd was small we could actually cruise to another location after dinner at Tacos Don Chentes. We headed to the Collection which is a new out door mall area that is set up as a neighborhood.  Its Friday so we know it was going to be packed.  We did several rounds through out the Collection with about 12 cars. Once done we stopped behind the Whole Foods parking lot and chilled for a while. This was cool and we think we might do it again next month.  Well we had a great time and thanks to everyone who came out and has supported our cruise night. Here is some photos from that night.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Pharaohs do Ventura Nationals 2013

Another good show probably the biggest I could remember.  The whole club made it out along with friends and family.  We grilled up some hot dogs and burgers with some grilled chiles. We had to be at the fairgrounds by 5:30am to help park cars. Not a bad deal since we got in for free. There must be at least 700 cars and alot of people. The quality of cars was good too. Holley, Aron and Matt did a hell of a good job. Thanks guys for including us this year.  Well here are some pics from the show.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

History book...

Just picked up my copy of "Images of America"  Hot Rodding in Ventura County.
Book was put together by Tony Baker and he sure got some good history in this book. Our clubs roots are talked about and some photos are included.  Thanks to Bud Hammer and Nick Sweetland for their contributions to the hot rod world we know.  So go pick up your copy.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Pharaohs anniversary party...

This cinco de mayo weekend we celebrated our car club's anniversary.  We invited done friends to join us at Arroyo Verde Park in Ventura.  We had a pot luck type bbq, I was on the grill and Sergio was on the alpastor hooking up the tacos. We had enchiladas, rice, beans, chicken and desserts. 
There was a alot of people that showed up so I would like to thank them all for coming out and supporting joining us.
The Dirty Sombreros came out,  John Parker, Matt and his wife Nicollet, Art and Bebe Rivas, Enrique and Sarah Aguilar, Marcos Cuevas, Joe and his son Jonathan, Yayo and his De Los Muertos. Sorry if I missed anyone.  Everyone brought their car's out even though the weather was shitty.
Well here are the pictures and we will do this again next year.